Let me begin by sending out my (our) sincere apologies for not keeping up with our blog lately. As many of you know, Life happens when you are least expecting it. Not to mention, we do have a baby, so our time for doing things that we want to do is limited to when Kennedy is sleeping. So let me catch you up to speed.
April 2009 - My cousin, Martin, his wife Maria, and their 2 girls (Maddie and Mia) all came for a visit. I believe I posted some pictures of them in my last blog, but we had a fabulous time. We went to the zoo, shopped til we dropped in Destin, and had dinner at La Hacienda (my favorite). We had to say our goodbye's (which were rather sad for me) and wish Maria well as she is expecting baby #3 (a healthy baby is all we ask for, but secretly wishing for a healthy baby boy) and realizing that the next time I see them, their family will have expanded, yet again. My mom left somewhere around the 20th to go back to Scotland as my Nannie was ill. Once my mom left, we put Kennedy in daycare. It was definitely not something we planned on doing when we had her, but when you are left with no choice, you quickly see the light on the other side. Kennedy adapted to daycare after a few days. It helped that she already had a few friends in the same room as her. It took me a little bit longer to get over the fact that I put Kennedy in daycare, but I definitely survived.
May 2009 - Audrey left us for about 10 days, so she could also go back to Scotland for a quick vacation. Jason, Kennedy and I took great care of my dad while everyone was away, and we just did our usual thing, piddling around the house and enjoying life. We were checking in with my mom once a week, as she was incredibly busy. Jason was working NONSTOP, but it was at least keeping him busy. We were leading very busy lives and it seemed as if we hadn't really stopped to smell the roses. Kennedy was still enjoying daycare. She adapted to her surroundings quite nicely and was picking up things the other kids were doing. She was already a smart baby when she started, but she definitely became a genius while she was in there. As the end of May approached, we did have to tell daycare that she was going to come out for the summer, so we could definitely enjoy our beach weather.
June 2009 - I will be glad when this month is over and hopefully a little bit more cheer will be in our lives soon. On June 1st, my nannie in Scotland died. She was 82 years old. We received a phone call at 5:30 a.m. with the news that she had just passed. Audrey and I quickly made arrangements to get Kennedy's passport, book our flights, leave the country, and be sure to be back in Soctland for the funeral, asap. I missed my Granda's funeral almost 10 years ago, I was not going to miss my Nannie's funeral. So on June 4th, Kennedy made her first trip to the big easy, NEW ORLEANS. We had to get her passport the same day at their passport office. We left Milton at 330 that morning and arrived to New Orleans for our appointment at 7ish. We had to wait on the passport, so Audrey and I took Kennedy to eat at the Court of Two Sisters. Kennedy was so pleased at the choice of food (Fruits only for her) that was on their buffet, as were Audrey and I. We had some great stories about the waiters there, thinking Audrey and I were twins and then the crazy 350Z driver on the interstate on our way back in. We arrived back in Milton about 6 that night, called Jason and met at La Hacienda for dinner. Audrey, Kennedy and I were leaving for Scotland at 9 the next morning, so we had to get our mexican fix before leaving for the next 2 weeks. On Thursday, June 5th, we left Pensacola and were Scotland bound.

Audrey and Kennedy at the Court of Two Sisters in New Orleans, LA.
The 3 stooges at the Court of Two Sister, NEW ORLEANS BABY!
Scotland - Kennedy did really well on the flights on the way over. She slept from the time each plane took off, until the time the plane landed. Luckily for us, we booked flights during her nap times. We arrived in on Friday morning, and the funeral was Saturday morning at 9. I didn't have anything to wear to the funeral that fit my post baby body, so we had to go shopping. We also had to greet family, have a small mass on the Friday night, when they brought my nannie into the church, and do a million other things. It was a crazy few days, but we seemed to manage by just fine. After we said our goodbye's to my Nannie, we had a little bit of time to catch up with the family and relax before we were headed back to Pensacola. Kennedy is quite the jet-setter. She adapted to Scotland's time change with little problem. She enjoyed her time there. As you will see in the pictures, she did all of the tourist things. She even did the tour bus, but fell asleep. We were definitely missing Jason, the beach and ready to get back into our routine, especially the summer vacation. The weather was good while we were there. The highest temperature we reached was around 65 degrees. I know what you are thinking, must be nice, but it did beat the 100 degree weather Florida was having at the time. However, our tans were quickly fading.

Kennedy in the middle seat on the airplane. What a big girl!
Kennedy deciding if she should wear a hat to the funeral or not. Hmmmm...
Kennedy asleep after the funeral. What a tiring day for everybody!
Audrey and Kennedy (asleep) on the Glasgow City Tour Bus.
Uncle Thomas and Kennedy on the Tour Bus. Yes, it was cold!
Kennedy's first stay at the Crown Plaza (in Glasgow) but hanging out on the KING size bed!

Kennedy and her GodParents at Sanino's in Scotland.
Kennedy, Audrey's arm, and her new BFF, SULLY. Again, yes you see her in a winter coat in June because it was that cold!
We arrived back in Pensacola on June 17th. Jason missed us and my dad did as well. Jason was probably loving the piece and quiet in the house without Kennedy and I there to harass him. However, he did mention that the house was too quiet, something I wouldn't know anything about anymore. So we are back into our routine. Kennedy is trying to finally cut teeth and it seems to be painful. She is eating everything, including the furniture.
So that is a little bit of information to catch you up on where we are and what we have been doing. It is a work in progress to keep up with Kennedy and this blog, but I am definitely going to juggle things better. So keep checking back with us and HOPEFULLY we will be a weekly blogger again.
Bye for now!