Kennedy is definitely growing like a weed. We had been feeding her Soy formula, as Dr. Frank said it wouldn't hurt her since there were so many allergies in our family. But after a little while with the Soy formula, Kennedy was spitting up more than she was keeping in her belly. So we took her back to the doctor to just be checked and we realized that she hadn't gained very much weight in recent weeks. So we switched formula's again, this time to Enfamil AR (added rice). She really seems to enjoy it, but boy does it stink. She has taken a stretch and we can't wait to measure her. Notice I said, can't wait. Right now it seems impossible as she is such a wiggle worm. She has laughed a few times, but only when she is sleeping. She is really smiling at everything now, showing nothing but her gums. Well, nothing just yet. She is definitely beginning to cut teeth. The drool is everywhere, her cheeks are rosy pink, and believe you me, the only time she seems to have relief is when you are rubbing those gums that feel razor sharp. So we are trying to keep her peaceful and not in much pain. We finally got around to taking some pictures of her in her christening gown and her "Pimp Mama" outfit. I will post those within the next week. If you put a hat on her, she gets this pissed off look on her face. However, the minute the hat comes off, she is so happy and ready to cheese it up to the camera.
I will be keeping you all posted with her progress, now that I am in somewhat of a system. Take care and speak to you soon.
Jason, Jen and Kennedy