I can't believe it has been 8 months (on July 6th) since Kennedy came smiling into our lives.
We have been extremely busy this year that we didn't even take the time to document Kennedy's life like we had hoped or wanted to. With everything that has been going on (read previous blog) and Kennedy growing up so quickly, you really need to have a camera strapped to you at all times and constantly taking pictures. So I had made a vow to myself that after these pictures, I would take a picture of her every day and write what she is doing (new or old) for that day. So I think I will be swamped, as if we weren't already.

So at 8 months, what is she doing? Well, she is trying to cut teeth (still) and wants to chew on everything. She is not crawling just yet, but she can start in the upright sitting position, throw her legs back, and be on her tummy in no time. She can also push up on her arms from there and get 1 leg up, as if to crawl, but as I said earlier, we aren't quite there yet. She can spin herself around and is pulling the blankets (that are on the ground) towards her so she doesn't have to move much. We like to say she is a lazy lump.
She of course is saying the usual babble, DA DA DA and started to MMMMMMMM, but to my sadness (clearly not disappointed) there is no MAMAMAMAMA. So Jason likes to say she is calling for him, but we all know she is DEFINITELY a mama's girl. We will just let Jason think what he wants to. She is laughing so loud and so much now it is great. She loves the dogs whiskers, and cracks up when Delilah wants to sniff/lick her feet.

She is a genius though . (Don't all parents say that!) She has definitely gotten a few things figured out. Those things being, if she puts her hand in her baby food, then hangs it over the side of the high chair, Tess will come and lick it off her fingers for her. Again, hysterically laughing. She also knows that if she is in the car (whether 5 minutes or an hour) that is the best time to catch a snooze. She knows that when we go to a restaurant, asshe is normally fed first, then she is quiet while we eat, and then she gets a little dessert on her pacifier afterwards. And the last thing is when she doesn't want me typing anymore on the laptop, she tries to type for me and then that is over. If only she knew I was typing for her! Oh well. She is great and I wouldn't change anything for the world.

Kennedy loves playing peek-a-boo and often hold the blanket up over her face for several minutes at a time until she is ready to pull it down. Sometimes, it is so bad that Auntie Audrey has to pretend to fake cry for Kennedy to pull the blanket down. Again, hysterically laughing the whole time. She has grown out of her carseat carrier, so she is now in a big girl car seat. No worries though, we bought 2 carseats that adjust from 5 pounds to 100 pounds, so we just convert them (break them down) accordingly. Also, since we are no longer in the carrier, we ride like a big girl in the shopping cart (with our cover of course) and sit in a big girl high chair when we are out to eat. Did I mention our favorite game is the DROP game?
I have posted a few pictures of her throughout this blog. We had them done at Sears and these are just a few highlights. I hope you all enjoy and speak to you soon.
With Love,