A ton of things have happened since we blogged last. Kennedy took her first trip to Mcguire's and had a good time. We were there for Grandma Gail's birthday. She danced when she heard the Scotland bagpiper play "Scotland the Brave", however, when he came over to our table, it was a wee bit loud for her sensitive ears. Uncle Thomas (her godfather) came into town on August 3rd and is planning to return to Scotland on August 17th. So needless to say we have been extremely busy and he of course had to have non-stop princess love from Kennedy. We have been everywhere it seems over the last 2 weeks. I am posting a few pictures of our adventures while Uncle Thomas has been here on vacation.
Not much else has been happening. I have been unsuccessful in getting another teaching job this year due to budget cuts. It isn't the best situation, but here is always believing that everything happens for a reason and hoping that someone (GOD) could hand me an outline or slip me a note or something that tells me what that reason is... ha ha ha.
Kennedy is crawling now, but only when she sees something that she really wants. She is standing on her feet, but her hands are also on the ground as well. She hasn't figured it out yet how to let go.
NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS: Kennedy had her first sleepover on Saturday night, August 15th, 2009. Nana and Grandaddy Jurey had a sleepover and Kennedy was the guest of honor. I know what some of you are thinking, how did Jason and I do? Well, we did really well. We went out with Audrey and Thomas to Hemmingway's and had a fabulous time. We even got to come home and have a GOOD night's sleep. Don't get me wrong, Kennedy does really well sleeping through the night, but she does have wimpers which break our sleep. So a FULL unbroken night of sleep was fabulous on Saturday for me. I don't know who was more excited, Nana or Grandaddy. When we went over on Sunday morning to pick her up, my mom said at one point, Kennedy was in the guest room (smaller bed) with her and my dad and they were all just hanging out. watching some tv. Boy does she have them wrapped around her finger already. They are already planning her next sleepover. It might sound crazy, but I think that is all they talked about today, was how much fun they had and how excited they were at just hanging out with Kennedy. For me, It doesn't get much better than that!
I have rambled enough. Here are those fabulous pictures of Kennedy and we hope you enjoy. Be sure to read the captions, they explain so much!
With love, Jen.

Jason and I at Hemmingway's for Thomas' last weekend in Pensacola!

Kennedy and I at McGuire's.

Kennedy and Jason at McGuire's.

Kennedy and Auntie Audrey trying on her party hat. Don't you just love it!