Saturday, October 3, 2009

Been a while.

It has definitely been a while since we have blogged last, but here is a small update. Kennedy has 2 teeth, has had a sinus infection, a double ear infection, and has not been having the best of fun. However, Halloween is getting closer and when we get a costume, we will be sure to take her picture and especially a little video clip of Kennedy trick or treating. I will be sure to post all of those as soon as it happens.

We are on the countdown to Kennedy's 1st Birthday. I have already begun planning her color coordinated themed birthday party and trying to accomodate for the Older kids (adults) things to do. I did want to help Kennedy feel better, so Jason put her swing that she got for Christmas 2008 (from Uncle Thomas and Aunt Audrey) up today and also got the wagon that Kennedy received (before she was even born from a fabulous friend of mine, Sonya) out today and put it together. So we have a few video clips of her 1st time in the wagon and her 1st time on the swing. The swing will be a daily adventure, weather permitting of course and the Wagon will be used for everything now, especially Trick or treating.... We can't wait....

We hope you enjoy the clips and we will be sure to post later.
With Love, Jen.