Monday, December 22, 2008
Woo Hoo!
I had my 6 week checkup today with Dr. David and everything is fantastic. I am in full recovery from surgery and also after having Kennedy. I can start my obsession with exercise now and losing the remainder of my baby weight. I am so tired of being swollen (as I still have some fluid retained). You can just see it in the pictures. Keep your fingers crossed and lets hope the weight comes off rather quickly.
With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy
Sunday, December 21, 2008
"Meet the GodParents"
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
How hard is it....
Kennedy's Christening invitations are going to be mailed out soon. We are excited about Audrey and Thomas (Kennedy's Godparents) coming in on Monday, December 15th. Kennedy can't wait to be spoiled more than she already is! There are no pictures to post today, but I will be posting some soon. She is getting her picture taken with Santa this weekend (which I will post) and her birth announcement (which I will post, after they are mailed out).
With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Busy Weekend.
Hoping your holiday was as good as ours!
With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friends and family
We wish all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy
Friday, November 21, 2008
Kennedy's first doctor's appointment

Friday, November 14, 2008
Catching Up....

We have already taken so many pictures of Kennedy that I think she will need her own blog before long! She has had a fabulous adventure filled first week. Here is where she has been and what she has been doing. Kennedy had a touch of jaundice and was at the hospital (not admitted, but for daily blood withdrawal) from Sunday through Wednesday. Her count is down low, we did not need a heat lamp or medication. She has already been to Target for her first shopping spree (newborn clothes, because we didn't think she would be this small of a baby), she has been to Milton (to see her new house that we are moving into before Christmas), and even to the allergist (for mama's shot). We made a stop at Woodham Middle School and she saw my classroom, hung out with Ms. Emily (a co-worker of mine who has a 1 year old son named Atticus, who could be Kennedy's future husband), We have been to O'Charley's and the Pensacola La Hacienda (but no Juvenal, so it doesn't count). We stopped by briefly to see Uncle David, Aunt Tiffany (who was at work) and her cousin Kelan for a moment but Kennedy slept through the short stay. She has had a ton of visitors at the house including: Aunt Katie, Aaron, Andrea and Aubrey, Both sets of grandparents, emails (and phone call) from Auntie Audrey and Uncle Bernard, Patsy, Neil and Hannah, Justin (she loves that guy) only to name a few.

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Allow me to introduce.....

We will be sending out birth announcements that have her professional pictures on them, and believe me, there will never be a shortage of pictures of our sweet beautiful baby girl.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Another long, but busy day.
As far as Kennedy and her arrival, well, nothing yet. I have a lot of pressure and feel like any minute my stomach skin is going to rip open like something out of an Alien movie or something. I just want a full body massage, a foot massage, etc. Can someone say, spoil me please? I am still working, as my plan is to work until I give birth. However, the more uncomfortable I feel, the harder it is to go to work. I am trying to plan for the next 6 weeks of school, teach kids, etc all while feeling like I am the goodyear blimp. Enough regarding me. We will still keep you posted and keep our fingers crossed for a smooth labor and hoping that the house goes through.
With Love, Jen.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Another weekly doctor's appointment.
Anyhow. I went to the doctor and scoped out the brand new floor/office. It is very pretty and so much nicer than the 3rd floor office. However, I wasn't there to see the decor. I was there to see if we had made any progress and if Kennedy would be gracing us with her presence. I have felt an enormous amount of pressure over the last few days, even thinking my water had possibly broken on Saturday while we were in TJ Maxx. Not the case, but I definitely was hoping that we had made some progress. So I was informing Dr. David of all that had transpired in the last week, including the pressure I had been feeling. She reassured me that all of those symptoms/feelings are normal and that she would just examine me to see if we have any progress.
We have dilated 3 cm and my cervix has thinned 75%, so we could literally go into labor any moment. We could also not go into labor anytime soon and still deliver on our due date or after. So we will just keep you all posted. I was very curious, as I always am, and asked Dr. David a few questions. Questions such as, how soon does the full dilating process occur, which I already knew the answer, it varies with every pregnancy and woman. However, after hearing that I had started dilating, it was a little nerve racking to know that very soon, Jason and I would be parents and responsible for another human being, for the remainder of our lives. Exciting, but still a little nervous. Dr. David did state that she would schedule me an appointment for next Monday, but she anticipated that she would probably be seeing me before then.
So keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a smooth, successful, pain-free (wishful thinking) labor. We will definitely be keeping you all posted as we progress.
With Love, Jen .
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Another Busy Weekend!
Jason and I worked our way through the work week and decided to celebrate my birthday on Friday night. We had some news that changed our plans a little bit, but we sat down, came up with a plan, and then put it into action. We have decided that we might try to get rid of the Armada. If we are to cut back on our luxurious life style, we should cut costs by getting rid of some of our luxurious things. So, after I worked on Friday, we went to a few car dealers and looked around at smaller cars, more efficient cars, and then came home. We postponed my birthday dinner (just the 2 of us, since it would be our last alone birthday dinner), and came home and ate leftover pizza, and went to bed early as I was super tired. On Saturday, we of course went to Milton. We were hoping to see my nephew Kelan, as it was my birthday, but David and Tiffany's plans were cancelled, so we didn't get to catch up with them. No big deal though. We ran a few errands with Mom, looked at a few houses, and then went to dinner at La Hacienda for my birthday. We found a house we really did like, so Jason is off to see it again tomorrow, and we are hoping to make an offer on it on Monday/Tuesday. Keep our fingers crossed that we are lucky to have our offer accepted. On Sunday, Jason and I went to eat some breakfast at the Waffle House, and then went to Target where I purchased a Nintendo Wii with my birthday money. Jason, who has never played the wii before, was so excited. So we came home and put it together, and began to play the wii. He was not excited at playing Tennis, because he was having "Operator Issues" and blaming the game. But after the gazillionth time of me beating him, we switched to bowling, then baseball, and then after a while, golf. We had a blast. We then went to eat dinner with his family for my birthday. It was good. So we are now back at home and just trying to relax.
We do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, that I will be attending by myself, as Jason will be checking out the house in Milton again. So watch tomorrow be the day something actually happen, and Jason won't be there for me. Just kidding. I will definitely be keeping you posted as to what happens. We have had contractions, but just the braxton hicks contractions, for the last few weeks. Nothing organized, they have just been sporadic, some every 25 minutes, but last night they were strong and I had 1 every hour or hour and a half. So, no sleep for me.
Here is hoping tonight will be better. I will go for now, as I will keep you posted on the doctor's appt that we are going to on Monday.
With Love, Jen
Monday, October 27, 2008
Doctor's Appointment Today!
For those of you that were wondering, we did ask Dr. David if she could determine Kennedy's weight. She stated that it would be an estimation but she felt all around my stomach. She then said that if Kennedy were to be born today, she would say that Kennedy would probably weigh in between 6 1/2 pounds to 7 pounds. Jason and I about died, since I do have roughly 4 weeks left and that is when babies do most of their growing. OMG, if she is going to be 10 pounds. Can you say C-SECTION? Keep your fingers crossed that she isn't over 9 pounds. We want a newborn not a toddler! ha ha ha
With Love,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Another Busy Weekend.........
On Saturday, we had talked about getting up early going to vote, running a few errands, all before the baby shower. However, I was so unmotivated to get ready and begin my day, that we got none of that done. Jason then received a phone call from his mom that he needed to come help with the shower decorations by bringing a ladder and hanging up the "TALL" stuff. It helps to be 6 feet tall. So he left to be a big help! My mom and Tiffany then came by the house to pick me up to go to the shower. I got to hang out with a few great friends, and we laughed and talked about so much. There were a few guests I didn't know or remember, but at least they were there because they knew Jason and they were there for him. But I felt a little funny about taking a present from someone I didn't know. We received lots of things that were on our registry and also lots of things that were not on the registry. If I can give any advice, STICK TO THE LIST! But other than that, it went really well and we had a great time. After the shower, we came back home, unloaded all of the presents, picked up the dogs, and went to Milton with my mom. When we got to good ole Miltonia, we picked up my dad and went to eat the Roadhouse. MMMMMMMMMMMM. We then came home and went straight to sleep.
On Sunday, Jason and I got up, I went for breakfast, and then we went through the presents from the day before. We had a ton of laundry to do so I wanted to get started. I had a wedding to go to, My good friend Nick Davis, but I was feeling under the weather with a head cold. Luckily I am going to the doctor tomorrow, so hopefully I can get some medicine to feel better. After going through all of the fabulous gifts, Jason and I managed to get ready and left to run some errands. We ate lunch at Santino's and ran into Briana. We then went to Target and bought a ton of stuff that we hadn't received off of our registry that we definitely needed. We then went to the pet store for some dog food and then to Jason's favorit store in the world (Books a Million). Then we just came home. Jason put together the highchair, and put the carseat/baby carrier in my car, so when the time comes we are ready. We finished the laundry and now have decided that we are completely exhausted.
We do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, at 1:00, so hopefully we have made progress in 1 week, and we can definitely keep you posted. We officially are down to a little less than 4 weeks, and we are so ready. My birthday is this coming Saturday, so maybe Kennedy will be my birthday present. I guess we will wait and see. I am a little concerned about my blood pressure as it is on the rise, but we will see.
With Love,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Help me..........
Now I know some of you are thinking, "isn't that what he was suppose to do"? My husband is great and loves me bunches, but I can't stand to feel helpless. Kennedy is going to be so proud of her dad, whom she loves so much already. Anytime he rubs my belly or scratches my belly she freaks out and it actually looks like she is going to just punch through my belly. It is really creepy, but cool all at the same time.
With Love,
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
We did it, Jason and I graduated.....
So we feel ready for the whole shabang now. We are going to finish packing Kennedy some items in our hospital bag, that way Jason isn't unorganizing her room, while we are in the hospital trying to find something for her to wear. You may never know what he would bring for her to put on. ha ha ha
We are definitely just hanging out for the rest of the week. We are pretty busy tomorrow still, as we are going to look at a house in Milton. I will keep you posted on that. We would like to buy before the interest rates spike and we are in more of a recession than we are in now. I guess you never know.
Thanks for checking on us!!!!!!
With Love,
Jen and Kennedy
Monday, October 20, 2008
Doctor's Appointment Today
Our appointment went really well. Kennedy is in position and we seem to be just waiting for her arrival. We haven't started dilating yet. My blood pressure is a little bit elevated, not enough to enduce my labor yet, but enough for Dr. David to be concerned about. Along with the elevated blood pressure, we have had substantial weight gain these last 2 weeks, but according to Dr. David, it is all water retention. I feel severely swollen, but according to the doctor, we are just going to monitor my situation closely. Kennedy is doing well and appears to be happy. Her heartbeat was in the 140's today and she of course was playing "catch me if you can" with Dr. David as she was trying to hear her heartbeat.
We went to our last lamaze class tonight and got a graduation certificate. We heard from a few parents and saw their newborn babies and got to ask questions or hear their experiences. It was pleasant and peaceful. They were all so precious. Mrs. Hanna, our lamaze teacher, started off class with answering any new questions, asking about doctor's appointments, and just being a fabulous concerned woman. When it came to Jason and I, I told her about our doctor's appointment and the water retention/weight gain. She seems to think that with the elevated blood pressure, we will go sooner than later, and more than likely, not make it to our due date. However, no matter what, Jason and I both agree that Kennedy will come when she is ready. We do have our hospital bag packed, for a just incase. We are all put together, but getting a little nervous.
Thanks for reading and I hope I didn't leave anything out. We will definitely keep you posted on the progress and of course Kennedy's arrival.
With Love,
We are married.........AGAIN!
The Happy Groom before the ceremony!
The Bride and Groom in the small chapel, Before we realized we were getting married in the big chapel.
Father Dennis O'Brien, Bride and Groom.
We hope you enjoyed the pictures of us. Yes, for those of you who were at the first wedding, we do realize the weight gain over the last 3 years, but remember, I am pregnant therefore a major weight gain, and Jason just has sympathy weight for me. We will be thin again, give us 1 year.
With Love, Jason and Jen
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Another day down.....
We are excited about our Pensacola Baby Shower coming up on October 25th. Grandma Gardner and Aunt Jeanne is throwing the shower for Kennedy and we can't wait to see what she is going to receive. She already has so much and we, as parents, are SO GRATEFUL!
As we close out this blog session, I would like to ask everyone reading this, to pray for our BEST friends, Aaron and Andrea. They are having a difficult time with some difficult news. They are the greatest, strongest people that Jason and I have in our lives and we are always forever grateful. We love them and hope that all of you can wish them well in your prayers and keep them in your thoughts as they make it through such a hard time.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Anxiously Awaiting....
Also, This Saturday, October 18th, 2008, Jason and I are taking the plunge (yet again)! No, we aren't doing anything crazy, but we are getting our marriage blessed by the Catholic Church. So needless to say, we will have 2 wedding anniversaries, April 2 and also October 18. We are blessing our marriage so that Kennedy can be christened and raised Catholic. Her christening date will be December 20th, so watch out for those invitations. After the 18th of October, we will be posting some pictures so that you can see our 2nd wedding/marriage blessing and enjoy in the day with us, one more time.
We will keep you posted......
Jason and Jen
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Milton Baby Shower 10-5-08
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Couples in love.....
First, please allow us to introduce Brad, Dana, Duke and Dutchess. We wanted to capture these animal lovers with their pooches, who were all to eager to be in the water.

Here we wanted to capture JUST Dana and Brad. Believe it or not, this was the scenary in their backyard. They are so much in love and it really shows......
Last, but definitely not least, is Aaron and Andrea Seeman. These two lovebirds are how Jason and I met, fell in love and got married. THANKS GUYS! This was before they were married and they are more in love now than ever.
Some more of our work........

Above, is the most gorgeous baby boy (yes, I am a little bias) on the planet. I can't get enough pictures of him but don't want to share him with the whole world just yet.
Below, is my sister-in-law, Katie Gardner. She wanted to take some portraits to possibly build a portfolio for modeling and also to send as a school photo to family and friends. She is always great to work with and is willing to "LOVE the camera" if you need her to. She is the best!
Katie and Justin, Christmas of 2007
The Hayes'

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Just starting out.
We hope you enjoy our work and thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Jason and Jen Gardner