KENNEDY MARIE GARDNER. She graced us with her presence on November 6th at 4:33 a.m. weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 20 inches long.
Here is the story:
As my blog may have informed you, I was experiencing an enormous amount of pressure and unusual things happening during my pregnancy and things seem to get worse last week. After our doctor's appointment on Monday, I told Jason we were for sure going to deliver within the next week. Wednesday morning, I woke up, spoke to my mom as usual and the ongoing joke was that since my dad was on vacation and planning to golf that day, my mom was working, and Jason was planning a busy day, that would be the day we would go into labor. Boy, if only we believed in what it was we were saying.
I went to school that morning, feeling fine. I had a little bit of "leakage" but didn't have any pain or discomfort. At lunch time, I called my mom to tell her that I was still alive, and NO, my water had not broken yet. She sounded a tad disappointed, but was busy talking to her sister on the phone, so she had to let me go. So I called Jason, again, only this time to bug him. We talked about what I was doing and planning on doing for the rest of the day (since I was on my planning period.) I told him that I was trying to finish my lesson plans for the month since I was unsure of what would be happening. He asked how I was feeling and I informed him that I was feeling fine, but Kennedy hadn't moved at all that day. He thought that was weird and told me he thought I should call the doctor's office to let them know. So I did. I spoke with my nurse, Lisa and she wanted me to come in to get checked. LONG STORY SHORT, I was admitted and informed I would be delivering a baby that day. We started pushing around 12:45 am on 11/6 and after 3 1/2 hours of pushing, Dr. David stated Kennedy was stuck and a c-section was the only way to go. So they prepped me for surgery, and within the hour we had a healthy, beautful baby girl.

We will be sending out birth announcements that have her professional pictures on them, and believe me, there will never be a shortage of pictures of our sweet beautiful baby girl.
With Love,
Jason, Jennifer and Kennedy
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