Thanksgiving week always seems so jam packed with activities. It was nothing less this year for Kennedy's first Thanksgiving festivites. On Black Friday, we went floor shopping for our new home. We didn't brave the crowds in a store as there was nothing we were dying to buy this year, and most everybody requested a gift card this year, so nothing we are getting a super deal on. Saturday, we headed back to Milton to continue our floor shopping and also attend Kelan's 2nd Birthday party. It was a Thomas the train themed event and we had so much fun with him. We played with his new golf set, watched him wheel around on his scooter, and had a great time overall. David and Tiffany really threw such a successful party, that we (jason and I) couldn't stop talking about how much fun we had, Kelan had, and how good the food/cake was. Not only did we have a blast, Kennedy and Kelan had several pictures taken together and Kelan was such a BIG help with his new baby cousin. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her and kept trying to giver her kisses. So sweet. Today, Sunday, we are going for the Gardner family christmas tree. Kennedy will be trying out her new "SLING CARRIER" instead of wheeling her around a christmas tree farm in a stroller. It would make for a bumpy ride. So I will carry her all around. We will make sure to take pictures and post of her adventurous weekend.
Hoping your holiday was as good as ours!
With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving.

We are just wishing all of our friends and family a Happy Thanksgiving. It was a fabulous day in Florida with the temperature reaching 71 Degrees Farenheit. There was rain scheduled to come in last night, but the Gardner's were way too tired to know whether it rained or not! We took our first "Photo Shoot" at Nana's yesterday, so here are a few highlights of my day. We hope you had a joyous Thanksgiving.

With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friends and family
I can't believe Thanksgiving week is finally here. Kennedy will get to have her first Thanksgiving feast at Nana's house this year and then off to the Christmas Tree farm to watch Grandma and Grandpa Gardner pick out their tree. Kennedy has had special visitors the last week. She has been hanging out with her best friend (even though she isn't born yet) Aubrey Seeman, and in baby code tell her how great her parents are, what it is like outside of the womb, and how much fun the 2 are going to have. She was left by herself for the first time (even though I had a little separation anxiety about leaving her) with Nana (my mom) while Jason and I went to eat at Hooters with Aaron and Andrea and then we checked out the new bond movie (Quantum Solice). We were only gone a few hours and then home again. Grandaddy (my dad) stopped by on his lunch hour from work to see his "baby girl" (obviously not me anymore) and then off to work he went again. We have had a great weekend, a little lazy today (Sunday) as we have no plans for doing anything productive. Her umbilical cord finally fell off and she is going to enjoy her first bath in the tub later today! Hopefully we will get some pcitures of her during that time and post them sometime soon.
We wish all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy
We wish all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy
Friday, November 21, 2008
Kennedy's first doctor's appointment

I also had a doctor's appointment shortly after Kennedy. Trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone since we were out and about today. I have lost 25 lbs (in 2 weeks) from the weight I was when we delivered to my weight today. I am pleased with that, but can't believe it isn't dropping off of me faster! During the total pregnancy, I gained 45 pounds, so I am halfway to losing it all. My incision is healing nicely, and I don't have to go back now for 4 weeks. Good news there.

So we have taken a few more pictures. Some of them may look the same, as Jason and I are taking pictures of Kennedy at different times, sometime the same day, same outfit, etc and not realizing the other just took that picture. She is definitely "FILLING OUT" and enjoying her sleep. In some of the pictures, she looks like she just can't be bothered. But she is fabulous and we just love her more than life itself!

Enjoy the pictures and keep checking back with us to see how Kennedy is developing.

Love, Jason, Jen and Kennedy
Friday, November 14, 2008
Catching Up....

For those of you who have or have had children you know what I am talking about when I say we are now playing catchup! Jason and I have not done much of anything except drool over Kennedy, her every smile, her every wimper, yadda yadda yadda. We have had Nana and Grandaddy Jurey over a few times to share the love with Kennedy (and let Jason and I sleep) and also Grandma and Grandpa Gardner over a few times to share the love with Kennedy (and let Jason and I relax). We are so grateful for the visitors.

We have already taken so many pictures of Kennedy that I think she will need her own blog before long! She has had a fabulous adventure filled first week. Here is where she has been and what she has been doing. Kennedy had a touch of jaundice and was at the hospital (not admitted, but for daily blood withdrawal) from Sunday through Wednesday. Her count is down low, we did not need a heat lamp or medication. She has already been to Target for her first shopping spree (newborn clothes, because we didn't think she would be this small of a baby), she has been to Milton (to see her new house that we are moving into before Christmas), and even to the allergist (for mama's shot). We made a stop at Woodham Middle School and she saw my classroom, hung out with Ms. Emily (a co-worker of mine who has a 1 year old son named Atticus, who could be Kennedy's future husband), We have been to O'Charley's and the Pensacola La Hacienda (but no Juvenal, so it doesn't count). We stopped by briefly to see Uncle David, Aunt Tiffany (who was at work) and her cousin Kelan for a moment but Kennedy slept through the short stay. She has had a ton of visitors at the house including: Aunt Katie, Aaron, Andrea and Aubrey, Both sets of grandparents, emails (and phone call) from Auntie Audrey and Uncle Bernard, Patsy, Neil and Hannah, Justin (she loves that guy) only to name a few.

I am sure she is tired of Jason and I taking her picture, but she makes the most fabulous faces, smells the sweetest, and is so much fun to stare at. Who cares about anything else! We have been very fortunate as Kennedy averages sleeping about every 4 hours and eats every 4 as well. She isn't into crying (must be tough like her mama) and only fusses when she is having to take a sponge bath. But at least she smells fabulous and is all relaxed when we are through. Please check us out regularly as it is hard to email all the pictures to everyone.

With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy (we have been waiting a long time for her to be here and it is FABULOUS!)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Allow me to introduce.....

KENNEDY MARIE GARDNER. She graced us with her presence on November 6th at 4:33 a.m. weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 20 inches long.
Here is the story:
As my blog may have informed you, I was experiencing an enormous amount of pressure and unusual things happening during my pregnancy and things seem to get worse last week. After our doctor's appointment on Monday, I told Jason we were for sure going to deliver within the next week. Wednesday morning, I woke up, spoke to my mom as usual and the ongoing joke was that since my dad was on vacation and planning to golf that day, my mom was working, and Jason was planning a busy day, that would be the day we would go into labor. Boy, if only we believed in what it was we were saying.
I went to school that morning, feeling fine. I had a little bit of "leakage" but didn't have any pain or discomfort. At lunch time, I called my mom to tell her that I was still alive, and NO, my water had not broken yet. She sounded a tad disappointed, but was busy talking to her sister on the phone, so she had to let me go. So I called Jason, again, only this time to bug him. We talked about what I was doing and planning on doing for the rest of the day (since I was on my planning period.) I told him that I was trying to finish my lesson plans for the month since I was unsure of what would be happening. He asked how I was feeling and I informed him that I was feeling fine, but Kennedy hadn't moved at all that day. He thought that was weird and told me he thought I should call the doctor's office to let them know. So I did. I spoke with my nurse, Lisa and she wanted me to come in to get checked. LONG STORY SHORT, I was admitted and informed I would be delivering a baby that day. We started pushing around 12:45 am on 11/6 and after 3 1/2 hours of pushing, Dr. David stated Kennedy was stuck and a c-section was the only way to go. So they prepped me for surgery, and within the hour we had a healthy, beautful baby girl.

We will be sending out birth announcements that have her professional pictures on them, and believe me, there will never be a shortage of pictures of our sweet beautiful baby girl.
With Love,
Jason, Jennifer and Kennedy
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Another long, but busy day.
Today has been a really hectic day. Jason and I put an offer in on a house in Milton. Actually in my mom and dad's neighborhood. We then met my parents for dinner at Beef O'Brady's for dinner. We are hoping to keep our fingers crossed that our offer is accepted, or if not, the counter offer isn't too far off of where we are hoping to be.
As far as Kennedy and her arrival, well, nothing yet. I have a lot of pressure and feel like any minute my stomach skin is going to rip open like something out of an Alien movie or something. I just want a full body massage, a foot massage, etc. Can someone say, spoil me please? I am still working, as my plan is to work until I give birth. However, the more uncomfortable I feel, the harder it is to go to work. I am trying to plan for the next 6 weeks of school, teach kids, etc all while feeling like I am the goodyear blimp. Enough regarding me. We will still keep you posted and keep our fingers crossed for a smooth labor and hoping that the house goes through.
With Love, Jen.
As far as Kennedy and her arrival, well, nothing yet. I have a lot of pressure and feel like any minute my stomach skin is going to rip open like something out of an Alien movie or something. I just want a full body massage, a foot massage, etc. Can someone say, spoil me please? I am still working, as my plan is to work until I give birth. However, the more uncomfortable I feel, the harder it is to go to work. I am trying to plan for the next 6 weeks of school, teach kids, etc all while feeling like I am the goodyear blimp. Enough regarding me. We will still keep you posted and keep our fingers crossed for a smooth labor and hoping that the house goes through.
With Love, Jen.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Another weekly doctor's appointment.
Today, at 1:00p.m. we had another doctor's appointment. Jason was super busy and leaving work early to go look at a house for us, so he missed our appointment. However, it was well worth it. This morning as I was getting ready to go to work, I told Jason this would be the day that something happened as he wouldn't be at the appointment with me and I would be all alone. ha ha ha
Anyhow. I went to the doctor and scoped out the brand new floor/office. It is very pretty and so much nicer than the 3rd floor office. However, I wasn't there to see the decor. I was there to see if we had made any progress and if Kennedy would be gracing us with her presence. I have felt an enormous amount of pressure over the last few days, even thinking my water had possibly broken on Saturday while we were in TJ Maxx. Not the case, but I definitely was hoping that we had made some progress. So I was informing Dr. David of all that had transpired in the last week, including the pressure I had been feeling. She reassured me that all of those symptoms/feelings are normal and that she would just examine me to see if we have any progress.
We have dilated 3 cm and my cervix has thinned 75%, so we could literally go into labor any moment. We could also not go into labor anytime soon and still deliver on our due date or after. So we will just keep you all posted. I was very curious, as I always am, and asked Dr. David a few questions. Questions such as, how soon does the full dilating process occur, which I already knew the answer, it varies with every pregnancy and woman. However, after hearing that I had started dilating, it was a little nerve racking to know that very soon, Jason and I would be parents and responsible for another human being, for the remainder of our lives. Exciting, but still a little nervous. Dr. David did state that she would schedule me an appointment for next Monday, but she anticipated that she would probably be seeing me before then.
So keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a smooth, successful, pain-free (wishful thinking) labor. We will definitely be keeping you all posted as we progress.
With Love, Jen .
Anyhow. I went to the doctor and scoped out the brand new floor/office. It is very pretty and so much nicer than the 3rd floor office. However, I wasn't there to see the decor. I was there to see if we had made any progress and if Kennedy would be gracing us with her presence. I have felt an enormous amount of pressure over the last few days, even thinking my water had possibly broken on Saturday while we were in TJ Maxx. Not the case, but I definitely was hoping that we had made some progress. So I was informing Dr. David of all that had transpired in the last week, including the pressure I had been feeling. She reassured me that all of those symptoms/feelings are normal and that she would just examine me to see if we have any progress.
We have dilated 3 cm and my cervix has thinned 75%, so we could literally go into labor any moment. We could also not go into labor anytime soon and still deliver on our due date or after. So we will just keep you all posted. I was very curious, as I always am, and asked Dr. David a few questions. Questions such as, how soon does the full dilating process occur, which I already knew the answer, it varies with every pregnancy and woman. However, after hearing that I had started dilating, it was a little nerve racking to know that very soon, Jason and I would be parents and responsible for another human being, for the remainder of our lives. Exciting, but still a little nervous. Dr. David did state that she would schedule me an appointment for next Monday, but she anticipated that she would probably be seeing me before then.
So keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a smooth, successful, pain-free (wishful thinking) labor. We will definitely be keeping you all posted as we progress.
With Love, Jen .
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Another Busy Weekend!
It is now Sunday night, and we are finally winding down from another busy weekend. I am sure this is only the start of our busy lives, but here is what we have been doing in the last week.
Jason and I worked our way through the work week and decided to celebrate my birthday on Friday night. We had some news that changed our plans a little bit, but we sat down, came up with a plan, and then put it into action. We have decided that we might try to get rid of the Armada. If we are to cut back on our luxurious life style, we should cut costs by getting rid of some of our luxurious things. So, after I worked on Friday, we went to a few car dealers and looked around at smaller cars, more efficient cars, and then came home. We postponed my birthday dinner (just the 2 of us, since it would be our last alone birthday dinner), and came home and ate leftover pizza, and went to bed early as I was super tired. On Saturday, we of course went to Milton. We were hoping to see my nephew Kelan, as it was my birthday, but David and Tiffany's plans were cancelled, so we didn't get to catch up with them. No big deal though. We ran a few errands with Mom, looked at a few houses, and then went to dinner at La Hacienda for my birthday. We found a house we really did like, so Jason is off to see it again tomorrow, and we are hoping to make an offer on it on Monday/Tuesday. Keep our fingers crossed that we are lucky to have our offer accepted. On Sunday, Jason and I went to eat some breakfast at the Waffle House, and then went to Target where I purchased a Nintendo Wii with my birthday money. Jason, who has never played the wii before, was so excited. So we came home and put it together, and began to play the wii. He was not excited at playing Tennis, because he was having "Operator Issues" and blaming the game. But after the gazillionth time of me beating him, we switched to bowling, then baseball, and then after a while, golf. We had a blast. We then went to eat dinner with his family for my birthday. It was good. So we are now back at home and just trying to relax.
We do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, that I will be attending by myself, as Jason will be checking out the house in Milton again. So watch tomorrow be the day something actually happen, and Jason won't be there for me. Just kidding. I will definitely be keeping you posted as to what happens. We have had contractions, but just the braxton hicks contractions, for the last few weeks. Nothing organized, they have just been sporadic, some every 25 minutes, but last night they were strong and I had 1 every hour or hour and a half. So, no sleep for me.
Here is hoping tonight will be better. I will go for now, as I will keep you posted on the doctor's appt that we are going to on Monday.
With Love, Jen
Jason and I worked our way through the work week and decided to celebrate my birthday on Friday night. We had some news that changed our plans a little bit, but we sat down, came up with a plan, and then put it into action. We have decided that we might try to get rid of the Armada. If we are to cut back on our luxurious life style, we should cut costs by getting rid of some of our luxurious things. So, after I worked on Friday, we went to a few car dealers and looked around at smaller cars, more efficient cars, and then came home. We postponed my birthday dinner (just the 2 of us, since it would be our last alone birthday dinner), and came home and ate leftover pizza, and went to bed early as I was super tired. On Saturday, we of course went to Milton. We were hoping to see my nephew Kelan, as it was my birthday, but David and Tiffany's plans were cancelled, so we didn't get to catch up with them. No big deal though. We ran a few errands with Mom, looked at a few houses, and then went to dinner at La Hacienda for my birthday. We found a house we really did like, so Jason is off to see it again tomorrow, and we are hoping to make an offer on it on Monday/Tuesday. Keep our fingers crossed that we are lucky to have our offer accepted. On Sunday, Jason and I went to eat some breakfast at the Waffle House, and then went to Target where I purchased a Nintendo Wii with my birthday money. Jason, who has never played the wii before, was so excited. So we came home and put it together, and began to play the wii. He was not excited at playing Tennis, because he was having "Operator Issues" and blaming the game. But after the gazillionth time of me beating him, we switched to bowling, then baseball, and then after a while, golf. We had a blast. We then went to eat dinner with his family for my birthday. It was good. So we are now back at home and just trying to relax.
We do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, that I will be attending by myself, as Jason will be checking out the house in Milton again. So watch tomorrow be the day something actually happen, and Jason won't be there for me. Just kidding. I will definitely be keeping you posted as to what happens. We have had contractions, but just the braxton hicks contractions, for the last few weeks. Nothing organized, they have just been sporadic, some every 25 minutes, but last night they were strong and I had 1 every hour or hour and a half. So, no sleep for me.
Here is hoping tonight will be better. I will go for now, as I will keep you posted on the doctor's appt that we are going to on Monday.
With Love, Jen
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