Monday, December 22, 2008

Woo Hoo!

Just a quick note to finally say, Kennedy did it! She finally is able to fit into her 3 months outfits. We have so many that have been big, but this morning we were able to fit into one! So now her wardrobe is fantastic! So many things to choose from. The outfits fit her in length, but not in width.

I had my 6 week checkup today with Dr. David and everything is fantastic. I am in full recovery from surgery and also after having Kennedy. I can start my obsession with exercise now and losing the remainder of my baby weight. I am so tired of being swollen (as I still have some fluid retained). You can just see it in the pictures. Keep your fingers crossed and lets hope the weight comes off rather quickly.

With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy

1 comment:

Lori said...

Honey, you had a BABY only several weeks ago. Give yourself a break about the weight. It will come off. You still look great - happiness does that to a woman!