Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

We are a day late, but our best friends, Aaron and Andrea Seeman welcomed a beautiful baby girl into their fabulous lives on January 12, 2009. Aubrey was born at 4:02 p.m. and weighed 3lbs 4 ounces. She is doing extremely well and is truly a MIRACLE baby. She has overcome so much in her short life that you can't help but know God truly does exist and miracles do happen.

From day one, Jason and I have been truly amazed at the strength, determination and LOVE that Aaron and Andrea have. The two of them are amazing people and we know they are going to be even more amazing parents. We went to visit the "Seeman Family" (Party of 3 now) tonight in the hospital. Aubrey is in the NICU, so we won't get to see her (except through photos) until she comes home. We can't wait! She truly is a blessing. When you are a new parent yourself, you only experience your excitement, but tonight, when we walked into the room, you could just feel the love and excitement beaming from everyone, especially Aaron and Andrea. There is so much to be thankful for! We love you guys!

Let's keep the Seeman family in our thoughts and prayers and pray for Aubrey to come home real soon!

With Love,
Jason, Jen and Kennedy!

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