Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bath-time & Play-time

Another week has passed us by with so many great times and a few pictures to document. Kennedy is too big for a baby bath now and she is in the big bath during bathtime with toys to play with. She does have a mat that has fishes on it so she doesn't slide around. She enjoys bath-time as we let her play for a little while and then we bathe her, all before bed-time. Check out the pictures of Kennedy druing bath-time this past week.

Also, Kennedy can not be in the Bumbo seat any longer. While we were in Scotland, Kennedy would sit in the bumbo, but leaning to one side. She would push with all of her weight off of the floor, arching her back and trying to get out of the bumbo seat. So now, when we have play-time on the floor, it is with a blanket and she sits there playing. Sometimes, she even tries to catch the dogs and give them a quick grab as they stroll by. At least they are getting smarter, when the dogs see Kennedy on the blanket, they run by instead of a casual stroll as they are afraid of getting grabbed. So here are a few pictures of Kennedy playing on the blanket on the floor.

Again, not too much to report this week. We have done the usual, shopping, the beach, and just hanging out. Nothing new for our ordinary but fabulous lives. We are excited because Uncle Thomas will be here on August 3rd and that will be a fun 2 weeks. We can't wait.

We hope that you enjoy the updated look to the blog and also the pictures that we were able to post. Enjoy your week and be safe!

With Love,

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