Monday, November 3, 2008

Another weekly doctor's appointment.

Today, at 1:00p.m. we had another doctor's appointment. Jason was super busy and leaving work early to go look at a house for us, so he missed our appointment. However, it was well worth it. This morning as I was getting ready to go to work, I told Jason this would be the day that something happened as he wouldn't be at the appointment with me and I would be all alone. ha ha ha
Anyhow. I went to the doctor and scoped out the brand new floor/office. It is very pretty and so much nicer than the 3rd floor office. However, I wasn't there to see the decor. I was there to see if we had made any progress and if Kennedy would be gracing us with her presence. I have felt an enormous amount of pressure over the last few days, even thinking my water had possibly broken on Saturday while we were in TJ Maxx. Not the case, but I definitely was hoping that we had made some progress. So I was informing Dr. David of all that had transpired in the last week, including the pressure I had been feeling. She reassured me that all of those symptoms/feelings are normal and that she would just examine me to see if we have any progress.

We have dilated 3 cm and my cervix has thinned 75%, so we could literally go into labor any moment. We could also not go into labor anytime soon and still deliver on our due date or after. So we will just keep you all posted. I was very curious, as I always am, and asked Dr. David a few questions. Questions such as, how soon does the full dilating process occur, which I already knew the answer, it varies with every pregnancy and woman. However, after hearing that I had started dilating, it was a little nerve racking to know that very soon, Jason and I would be parents and responsible for another human being, for the remainder of our lives. Exciting, but still a little nervous. Dr. David did state that she would schedule me an appointment for next Monday, but she anticipated that she would probably be seeing me before then.

So keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a smooth, successful, pain-free (wishful thinking) labor. We will definitely be keeping you all posted as we progress.

With Love, Jen .

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