Monday, October 27, 2008

Doctor's Appointment Today!

Jason and I went to the doctor's today. We are into the middle of our 36th week and are doing our once a week visits to monitor our progress. We are doing really well and are still on schedule to deliver on November 22nd. Last week, I had gained 11 pounds of fluid in a 2 week time frame and my blood pressure was elevated. Dr. David (our obgyn) was very nervous and wanted to make sure that we were closely monitored with my blood pressure and severe water retention. However, this week, everything has changed. We gained 2 pounds in 1 week (which she stated was normal at this point) and my blood pressure was back down to 120/72. She said that we were had not dilated any and that my cervix was pointed to my back-bone. I asked when that would move, and Dr. David stated that my cervix would begin to shift when Kennedy makes progress and decides she is ready to face the world. I told Jason that she is probably going to be stubborn (like the both of us) and take her time, therefore being born after her due date as she will be laid back and not in a hurry. Forget the fact that my cervix pointing towards my back-bone is the uncomfortable-ness that I have been feeling/borderline of pain. Her heartbeat was very strong and she is still very active. We are scheduled to go back next Monday for another checkup, so I will be keeping you updated.

For those of you that were wondering, we did ask Dr. David if she could determine Kennedy's weight. She stated that it would be an estimation but she felt all around my stomach. She then said that if Kennedy were to be born today, she would say that Kennedy would probably weigh in between 6 1/2 pounds to 7 pounds. Jason and I about died, since I do have roughly 4 weeks left and that is when babies do most of their growing. OMG, if she is going to be 10 pounds. Can you say C-SECTION? Keep your fingers crossed that she isn't over 9 pounds. We want a newborn not a toddler! ha ha ha
With Love,

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